Friday, November 29, 2019


Overlayable - to put a component on top of another component at a specified location in order to provide a hint about how to use a component, to provide a progress indicator or to provide a status indicator beside a component without affecting the existing layout. Please note, JIDE technical support doesn't monitor this forum as often as other forums. By leveraging DirectDraw, the fast gradient paint is 2 to 40 times faster than normal GradientPaint. Board index All times are UTC. Not sure about NB. We released under this license so that all existing paid JIDE customers don't have to switch to the open source license.

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JIDE technical support doesn't monitor this forum as often as other forums. You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. It is also the same license under which OpenJDK is open sourced.

Download all versions of jide-oss JAR files with all dependencies

StyledLabel - A JLabel that support different fonts, jae, and decorative lines. Overlayable - to put a component on top of another component at a specified location in order to provide a hint about how to use a component, to provide a progress indicator or to provide a status indicator beside a component without affecting the existing layout.

Please note, JIDE technical support doesn't monitor this forum as often as other forums.

Technical Support One of main issues in open source project is the lack of technical support. Calculator Component DateSpinner and PointSpinner Popup - support any popup window AutoCompletion and IntelliHints StandardDialog - built on top of JDialog to support common jise dialog standards as well as adding missing standard features of any dialogs.

JIDE Software - JIDE Common Layer - The Best Open Source Swing Component Library

Google [Bot] and 6 guests. As far as I can see, Intellij doesn't seem to support this. I think easier way of doing things would be to move LayoutPersistance out oss into one har the other jars, may be dock where it seems to belong anyways or components.

It is good to know Eclipse can leverage javadoc. The first license is the most widely used license among open source community.

By leveraging DirectDraw, the fast gradient paint is 2 to 40 times faster than normal GradientPaint. JideScrollPane and an example. ButtonPanel - arrange buttons in different layouts with different gaps based on OS conventions Pre-built panels such as BannerPanel AbstractPage - lazy loading panel with page events open, closing, closed, etc. It has more than just LayoutPersistence but a few more other classes for reason.

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I'm so used of associating the source code that I didn't think about associating the Javadoc oss. We provide a special forum so that you can get help from other people in the community.

So if you want to test, you can put jide-oss. We also accept bug fixes from the community after reviewed by our staff. Users browsing this forum: We will code review the contribution and commit them. Not sure about NB. To address this issue, here is our support policy: LayoutPersistence Without it I need to have both of the jar files in the class path and I guess make sure that the oss gets loaded first.

If you found a bug in our code, or would like to add a new feature, or introduce a new component, please feel free to contract support jidesoft. In order to encourage community, we will give away JIDE Developer License for those who actively participate in the discussion.

You can click on the links to see more information. We will reward frequent contributors with free developer license of JIDE commercial products. I'm starting a project using JIDE and it is just frustrating to not having the eclipse inline JavaDoc for about half of the classes I encounter. Features UI Components JideTabbedPane - an extended version of JTabbedPane supporting different tab shapes, color themes, shrinkable tabs, close button on tab, editable tab etc.

Please consider subscribe for technical support for JIDE Common Layer so that you can use customer only forum to get a timely response. JideButton with different styles. A fast gradient paint method in JideSwingUtilities. JideSplitButton with different styles. If you use maven for your project, all released versions of JIDE Common Layer are also available on the centeral maven repository through sonatype.

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